Saturday 4th January 2025 - starting at 6.30pm

The Dunton Wassail is held in the farmyard at Church Farm, Dunton. Take the road to the left of the March Hare pub (if you are looking at it). This is Church Street and Church Farm is at the end of this road, just behind the church. Come through the gates and past the farmhouse and stables into the farm yard.

Our wassails are very much community affairs with a number of village groups involved with the event. We have soup and hot dogs from Dunton Community Garden, mulled cider, Dancing from Letchworth Morris Men and Bedford Morris Men, a mummers play from the Brafront Guizers and a traditional music session in the March Hare pub afterwards.

Who would think you could have so much entertainment in one evening?

Wrap up warm, bring a torch, a saucepan lid and a wooden spoon. Once we have hung toast soaked in cider in the trees in the orchard and sung a couple of wassail songs we toast the apple trees then make as much noise as possible to encourage the trees to bear as many apples as possible next year.

Wassail! Wasail! All over our land!

The bar is provided by The March Hare public house. All profits from the sale of alcohol will go to the March Hare preferred charity The Pulmonary Fibrosis Trust.

Wassail Images - 2019

(courtesy of Asan Tu)

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